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Ask The Pharmacist About Pete Hueseman,
R.Ph., P.D.

Question of the Day

Q: hi,
what is natural bioidentical cortisol? my daughter takes a therapeutic level of pregnisolone but has become immune suppressed on it. Is there an alternative?


A: Dear Judy,

The only natural cortisol is the one made in the adrenal glands. Everything else is synthetic like cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone and prednisolone. Prednisolone is the metabolite of Prednisone, which means if you take prednisone it converts in the liver to prednisolone. So, that step is skipped when you take Prednisolone. You did not say what your daughters medical condition was, so it would be hard to suggest any alternative course of action at this time.


Lee Ball R.Ph.

Bellevue Pharmacy's Staff Of pharmacists:
��Pete Hueseman, R.Ph, P.D.
��John Hamilton, R.Ph., Pharm.D.
��Janna Gordon, R.Ph.
��Tiffany Spudich, Pharm.D.
��Jake Wilson, R.Ph, P.D. Pharm.D.
Ph. 1.800.728.0288 or 314.727.8787
Fax. 1.800.458.9182 or 314.727.2830

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