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Dear Dearest Q&A's
Name: Bev

Dearest, you mentioned in your last Q&A to cut the patch to taper of estrogen. I asked my pharmasist about cutting them and he said once they are cut they don't work at all.

Bev, I'm not a pharmacist nor a doctor, but in ten years of running Power Surge, I have heard many doctors and pharmacists recommend cutting the patch in order to lower the dosage and/or wean off the patch entirely.

I put up an article in the Educate Your Body area of the Web site especially for women who wanted to taper off hormones.

You can get to the article by clicking on this link: www.power-surge.net/educate/weanoffhrt.htm

If you're still unsure, you might want to ask Pete Hueseman, R.Ph, P.D., who's been Power Surge's pharmaceutical consultant for 8 years and is very knowledgeable about naturally compounded hormones, patches, et al. You can ask Pete in his area at: Ask The Pharmacist. He'll be able to give you the best advice on this. Perhaps your pharmacist isn't as familiar with hormones as some of Power Surge's experts.

Power Surge Founder

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