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Revival Soy Doctor Q&A's
Name: Tami

I took the birth control pill for almost 25 years. Last year my doctor would notm renew my Rx. I stopped taking my pill. Since then I have been havein pre menapausal symptoms. What can I do. Should I have stopped taking my pill after that many years? I'm very confused. There is so much information out there. What do you reccomend? I'm an emergency room R.N., But Im not not quite sure about women's hormonal issues. I think I eat healthy and take care of myself, but I continue to hot flashes and other pre menapausal symptoms.Any Advice?

Thank you for contacting me about #1 Doctor-recommended Revival Soy protein supplement. Our mission is to help others live a life they love with good nutrition, education and medical research :)
Of course, please discuss the information supplied in this email with your physician.

I appreciate your question. It is best to discuss with your doctor any concerns you have related to hormone replacement and birth control. Your doctor can assist with the best treatment for handling pre-menopausal symptoms. My area of expertise is soy. For a full discussion of soy’s benefits, along with medical research references, visit

Please let me know if I can help further.
Best Regards,
Aaron Tabor, MD

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* Read a guest transcript with Dr. Tabor

* Revival is a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Revival is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information presented on our web site is not intended to take the place of your personal physician's advice.

Please consult a physician before using if you are pregnant or nursing,taking medication or suffer from chronic disease.

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