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Ask Dr. Denise Lamothe Q&A's
Name: Lynn

I have 25 yr old daughter who is at least 50 lbs overweight. I think part of it may be psychological, part really bad eating habits. My husband and I have tried to help her out by encouraging her to eat healthier, make better food choices, exercising, etc. To no avail. Your thoughts on anything else we can do to support her and get her to help herself to lose weight and become healthier.

Hi, Lynn: I know that you are concerned about your daughter. She's lucky to have a mom who is concerned about her. Sometimes though our efforts to help can backfire. I'd suggest that you assure her you love her and tell her that if she wants to talk with you or get any support from you that you are available and all she needs to do is ask. Otherwise, remember she is an adult and responsible for her own choices and don't even mention her weight. I'd also suggest you give her a copy of my book, The Taming of the Chew. If you and she both have a copy and read it, you will see the issue diffeently. With this new understanding you may be more able to let go. I know this is a hard one. I have a daughter myself! Best of luck....

Be well,
Dr. Denise Lamothe
Clinical Psychologist
Specializing in Weight and Eating Issues
Author of The Taming Of The Chew: A Holistic
Guide to Stopping Compulsive Eating

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