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Name: Janet

Hello! I have been reading about these hormones, for many years and I was aware of Dr. John Lee from about 10 years , ago. I am going on 52 years old, I have been post-menopausal for about 3 years now, and still get terrible symptoms. I feel like I cannot have a life, I am always flashing sweating and full of anxiety. I thought that this would subside, given my mother had no symptoms. I had an endometrial bleed, 2 years ago and took hormones, much against my will but prevented a hysterectomy. I live in Brooklyn, New York and I researched where perhaps I could get this here and came up with nothing. Alot of gyn's don't beleive in it.. Pls help me. Thanks

Dear Janet:

We do have some doctors that work with us in the Brooklyn, and NY City area, and those names can be given to you during the consultation part of the patient empowerment program that we use. That is if your current doctor would be unwilling to prescribe our recommendation for you. We do also sell saliva test kits, and at this point it would be a good idea to get a baseline reading on you for levels of Estradiol, progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol. Once these levels come back to you and to us, is when we schedule the consultation; and in the meantime that gives you time to fill out the history form and send it back to the Pharmacy via email. Please keep in mind we do accept insurance for payment of RX's when we can, and we do a considerable amount of business in NY City. We also ship everywhere. The saliva test can be covered by insurance for a copay if you have either Blue Cross or United Health care coverages. Please call in one day next week, if you want to get started with the testing, and if not, we can try to give you our best suggestion from the history form without testing first. Testing is recommended, but not required. Here is the program to follow, see the blue ink in lines 2 and 3 and 4:
To learn more about how we can help you get started on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and feel better through our “Patient Empowerment Program” click here or post this in your web browser. This program was developed to assist you in getting started on the natural bioidentical hormones. It empowers you through knowledge and education to approach your physician and get the natural treatment you are looking for. We provide physician referrals, as part of our program.

The patient empowerment program is a full in-depth consultation with a consultant pharmacist whereby we evaluate your symptoms, lab work of your hormones (if performed), and any other pertinent laboratory results via phone consult. We then make an assessment and write a clinical consult note that includes recommendations for natural bioidentical hormones that you can provide to your doctor. If you have already discussed bioidentical hormones with your doctor or if your doctor refuses to prescribe them after reviewing our recommendations, we will provide you with a referral to a physician in your area that will prescribe bioidentical hormones.

We would like to help you feel better, and be your compounding pharmacy in the future. We ship all across the country, and accept hundreds of insurance plans for reimbursement.

After you fill out the consultation form, you will be contacted by one of our consultant pharmacists within 2 business days to set up a consultation. Alternatively, to get started you may call 1-800-728-0288 and request to schedule a consultation with one of our pharmacists or forward an email requests for a consult to We look forward to speaking with you.

Pete Hueseman, R.Ph., P.D.
10 years Power Surge Pharmaceutical Consultant
Ph. 1.800.728.0288 or 314.727.8787
Fax. 1.800.458.9182 or 314.727.2830
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Read more about Bioidentical Hormones
Bellevue Pharmacy Patient Empowerment Program
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Information provided by Pete Hueseman, R.Ph, PD, and the Bellevue Pharmacy Solutions staff of pharmacists is not intended as a substitute for a visit to and examination by your own personal health care practitioner.
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