Power Surge / Thrive / AOL Live
Guest: Denise Austin
Sept. 14, 1997
Host: Dearest
Official Transcript
Copyright 1997 America Online, Inc.

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OnlineHost: Host of her own daily workout show on Lifetime TV, fitness expert Denise Austin joins us to create a workout expressly for women "in the pause." She has sold over six million copies of her 25+ exercise videos and was the resident fitness expert on NBC's "Today Show." Now Thrive and Power Surge™ are proud to introduce Denise Austin. Dearest: Denise, it's my pleasure to welcome you to another of Power Surge and Thrive's expanded editions in AOL Live. Your visit is part of the Power Surge's™ GIGS™ Series, or (G)etting (I)nto (G)ood (S)hape. You've been an inspiration to women and men of all ages, but I'd hope to focus tonight on women at *midlife*, who are subject to changes in muscle tone, skin elasticity, weight gain and redistribution because of hormonal changes and aging. Dearest: Denise, let me begin by asking, do you recommend women, say, over 40, embark on a different type of exercise and fitness program from that which younger women do? Denise Austin: Thank you for having me, great to be here tonight, everyone suck in you tummies!! Yes, we need to do more weight training, to keep muscles and bones healthy. And if your muscles are tone and firm, nothing can droop or sag two days a week, 20 min. exercises with weights look for my new weight training workout video in stores this week. Dearest: So, Denise, you're saying women should prepare for midlife by making sure they're already in good shape? Denise Austin: If you haven't exercised in long time start with walk, walking is a great way to burn fat and tone muscles, walk 3 days a week for 30 minutes. Dearest: Let's take some questions from the audience ..... Question: Hello, Denise my question is: How many times a week should I work out? ( I am just starting ) Denise Austin: 3 days a week, Mon., Wed., and Fri, start off working out 20-30 minutes at a time. I personally work out 30 min 5 days a week. I'm 40 yrs old and have two small children. I do it before the children get up, on my exercise show on Lifetime or Denise Austine treadmill, or outdoors for a fast walk. Question: Is bike riding a good way to shed some pounds? How often would I need to ride? Denise Austin: Great way to lose weight and firm muscles, try doing it 3 days a week for 20-30 minutes to burn fat and work on cardio system, which will fight heart disease and obesity. Dearest: Denise, our next audience question ... Question: How long have you had your exercise show? Denise Austin: I've been on TV for 18 yrs, graduated 1979 with degree specializing in exercise psyiology and started on Jack LaLanne Show in 1980. Dearest: Denise, many women in Power Surge talk about "sagging" muscles... those once perky little breasts simply don't look and feel the same.. any suggestions? Thanks :) Denise Austin: Yes, firm the muscles underlying the breasts to help lift the chest. Great one, lie on back, arms lifted out sides and press chest arms together, do this everyday for 2 minutes, slowly. Eventually add 5 lbs weight. Pushups are also very good. Dearest: Thanks, Denise.... we have another audience question... Question: I can't seem to eat anything without gaining weight. What's a woman over 40 to do? Denise Austin: Exercise is the fastest way to speed up metabolism. Eat about 1800 calories a day. Question: I think I am doing my sit-ups correctly but I can't seem to get good results. Should I increase my sets, and if so how many? Or could it just be my form is incorrect? Denise Austin: It could be both - make sure knees are bent to protect back, and the slower the situp the better. Try my fitness video Hit the Spot Abs Vidio to do it correctly. I act as personal trainer. Dearest: Denise, women going through menopause often complain of fatigue... do you recommend.... any particular exercise to restore energy, or does all exercise help reduce fatigue? Denise Austin: All exercise gives you energy, cause Oxygen feeds your brain for energy. Leg lifts, walking, situps - they all build energy level. Keep it up, you can do it, you'll look and feel better. Dearest: Would you recommend starting off with daily walking for women at midlife who are basically out of shape? And after that, what do you recommend for starters? Denise Austin: Weight training 2 days a week very important over 40, 1 lb weight start light and walk. Dearest: Another audience question for you, Denise :) Question: Do you know of any exercises that you can do to decrease your breast size? Denise Austin: That's hard, you want to burn calories all over body. Dearest: Denise is having connection problems... in the meantime, let me invite everyone who's anticipating menopause, or in the throes of it now.... to email me at "Dearest" here on AOL for a copy of the Power Surge Fact Sheet. It's a great group of women, in its fourth year on AOL and now at home in the wonderful Thrive (@health) forum. It'll make the "pause" much easier for you... :) Dearest: Denise is back... another audience question........ Question: Hello Denise...I just bought one of your videos and I need to lose around 20 pounds. With a healthy and low fat diet and daily exercise, how long should it take? Denise Austin: Six weeks, and you'll see great results. Don't eat late at night. Nothing after 8 pm during the week. You can do it, and thanks for buying my video. Dearest: Your "Hit The Spot" book, Denise, deals with spot toning.... but there are some who say you can't spot reduce. Why so? Denise Austin: Hit the Spot is about spot toning and training, Not Reducing, Spot reducing you need to burn fat like aerobic activity and then tone specific areas like you thighs, but you can reshape you problem spots, by specific exercise. THRVmonstr: Okay, here's the next question: Question: I'd like to ask Denise Austin how women are affected in terms of physical fitness during menopause _ metabolism, body changes, etc.? Denise Austin: As we get into meno our metabolism slows down so it's very important to keep it up by adding exercise at least 20 min a day to keep up your metabolism. It slows down 7% by menopaus, so you either decrease food intake by 7 % or increase calorie burning by exercise. In losing weight its all on how much food you eating and input versus output, burning caloires. Dearest: Denise, do you recommend your Hit The Spot Pyramid Diet for people of all ages? Denise Austin: Yes I do. Sound eating plan put together with top dieticians from John Hopkins University . Hit the Spot is an eating and exercise plan that is sensible, safe and gives you a jump start. THRVmonstr: Okay, next question for Denise: Question: How can you shape up your underarms? Denise Austin: OK, arm firming exercise, like tricep can firm and tone underarm sag, by doing this one exercise with a weight in your hand or can of soup. Raise your arm over your head and then slowly bend your elbow so that your hand goes behind your neck, straighten are again that targets the triceps. Try my arm and bust video. You'll love it, under $10 at video stores. Dearest: Thanks, Denise..great answers....here's an audience question I'm sure many of us can relate to ... Question: I've lost the "urge" to workout, but am unhappy with the weight I've put on. How can I motivate myself? Denise Austin: Just start off small, ten minutes a day. Start tomorrow morning, doing 10 min of floor exercises or 10 min of walking, and then everyday add a minute until you've hit your ultimate goal - 30 minutes. Question: Is it inevitable that you will lose your waist line once you start going through menopause? Is there anything you can do to prevent it or do you just accept it? Denise Austin: You're waistline will expand slightly with changes but it could be prevented 50 % by doing your aerobic exercise 3 days a week, like a 20 minute walk and 10 min of toning 2 days a week it will minimize the waistline, I know you will feel better after you start exercising great for circulation, key for energy. Dearest: Denise, for women who are 25+ pounds overweight...... would it be wise to lose weight before embarking on an exercise regimen? Denise Austin: It's good to do it all at the same time, start eating healthy and exercise all at the same time because exercise speeds your metabolism up to 10%. Question: Denise, I recently turned 40 and find that aerobics aren't enough anymore. I would love to work-out with light weights. Do you have any tapes out where you use weights, or will you think about doing a tape using light weights. Love your show. Denise Austin: Just this week I came out with new video called Denise Austin Totally Firm, a complete workout with weights, a 45 min video that you will love, and all you need is pair of weights. If you can't find it in stores, here is my 800 #1-800-272-4214. Question: Denise, how many hours a week do you spend working out to maintain your fitness? Dearest: (I think that means your "to die for body" Denise) :) Denise Austin: I work out 30 minutes, 5 days a week, because I work fulltime, I have a husband, 2 children and 30 min consistently really works. Mon thru Fri. and weekends we do family activities, long walks, tennis, or bike riding. Stay active, that's the whole key. Food is not our enemy, sitting still is our enemy, Get up and Move, Move, Move! Keep a smile on your face and think with a positive attitude. You can work out with me everyday on Lifetime Net. Denise Austin daily workout TV show, 30 min exercise show 7:30 am Eastern Time Dearest: Denise, thanks for joining Power Surge, Thrive, and AOL Live tonight, and for providing such wonderful information on fitness and staying in good health/shape. Denise Austin's wonderful books, JUMP START and HIT THE SPOT are great ways to begin a new fitness program, and let's not forget her 25 (whew) exercise/fitness videos, which have sold over 6 million copies. Dearest: Anyone interested in more info about the Power Surge Community in on AOL in Thrive (Thrive@Health), E-mail "Dearest" here on AOL. Dearest: Thanks so much, Denise :) Denise Austin: Thanks so much, and remember you can do it, Get Fit, You are worth It. THRVmonstr: Thanks everyone! Again, you can find Power Surge at Thrive (keyword: thrive) Good night everyone! Denise Austin: Stay happy and keep fit. Goodnight, have a great week. Start tomorrow! Dearest: Thanks, Denise :) Goodnight, everyone. Thanks for coming :) OnlineHost: Copyright 1997 America Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved. End Of Log Of Denise Austin's Auditorium With Power Surge Disclaimer: Every guest in Power Surge™ is a highly respected professional whose opinions are his/her own. An appearance in Power Surge™ does not constitute an endorsement of a guest's views. Dearest aka Alice Stamm Power Surge™ Founder, Facilitator, Webmaster E-mail Dearest

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